User Management

General Structure

Finlex platform is a multi-tenant architecture. multi-tenancy is an architecture where multiple tenants share the same physical instance of the app. A tenant is a group of users. In a SaaS application, the tenant is a subscriber of the application and services.


Tenants are top layer user management in the platform and they act independently from each other. Each tenant represents a company or an organisation that wishes to use FINLEX SaaS product. Tenant manager is a platform feature responsible to register, manage and govern tenants on the platform. Each tenant based on their subscription can have different resources and features of the Finlex platform, which might need provisioning on infrastructure layer too, which would be part of Tenant manager’s responsibility.

Each tenant will have at least one company (default tenant company) and can invite more companies to the platform.


Companies are representative of organisations or clients within each tenant. Companies can have at least one account associated with them, in another word, the company can be considered as a container of users who are interacting with the platform.


The smallest entity which represents a user that wishes to interact with the system.

Key Characteristics

  • Platform core resources are Tenants, companies, accounts. There is a hierarchy among these resources where each tenant has one-to-many companies and each company has at least one-to-many accounts.
  • Admin account and company are responsible to manage and control the access management in the tenant.
    • The tenant admin company is called the tenant root company.
    • The tenant admin account is called the tenant root account. The user_name of this account is called tenant_root_email.
  • The company admin account is called the company owner account. The user_name of this account is called company_owner_email
  • A user_name (email) of an user account, is unique within a Tenant.


Finlex as a Tenant

Finlex GmbH is the tenant owner of the Finlex tenant available at and is responsible to manage the access and permissions in the tenant.