Roles and Rights

Access right management in Finlex platform is based on rights and roles assigned to user accounts. Finlex platform has several features to which their access can be controlled. The feature permissions are grouped by category and are available to be assigned to users based on subscription.

Access Right

Right is permission to access a certain feature of functionality. Rights are essential to govern users' access to the platform to allow particular actions. Normally each right is associated with a particular feature or group of features.


There are two types of roles in the Finlex platform:

  • Basic roles
  • User-defined roles

Basic roles

Basic roles can be assigned to user accounts during user onboarding. Here is the list of basic roles in the Finlex platform and the user type that the role will assign to during the onboarding:

RoleDefault User Type

Access rights

Here is the reference of available access rights in the Finlex platform. each access right can be assigned to the user using the role. the list of access rights is categorized based on platform features and user types that can take it.

Tender Management

Access RightDescriptionUser TypeDefault Role
ViewTendersThe user having this access right is able to view the tenders list. The list of tenders is always limited to the tenders that logged-in users are allowed to access.BrokerTenderManager
CreateNewTendersThe user can start a new tender for a customer. besides having this access right, the Broker should be invited to the product (sales channel).BrokerTenderManager
ViewTenderProposalsBy having this access right the user can see the tender proposals resulting after the risk assessment. the proposal is including but is not limited to coverage detail, premium, reservation request, cover options, and wording file, ...BrokerTenderManager
CloseTenderThe user is able to close the tender if the tender result is no offer, offers are not acceptable by the broker or customer, or for any other reasons. The closed tender is considered a lost opportunity.BrokerTenderManager
ReopenTenderIf a user decides to exit the tender phase for any reason and wishes to reopen the tender, the following scenario serves as an example of a situation that may lead to the reopening of the tender: If the tender concludes with a preliminary covernote and the covernote is rejected, the broker has the ability to reopen the tender provided that there are still appealing proposals within the tender.BrokerTenderManager
FillTenderRiskAssessmentSubmit tender risk assessment questionnaire responseBrokerTenderManager
ViewTenderRiskAssessmentView the tender risk assesment questionnaire response and risk scoreBrokerTenderManager
GenerateTenderProposalThe user having this access right is able to trigger the smart propossal calculation after submiting the risk assessmentBrokerTenderManager
CreateOrderToCoverThe user is able to select an offer and submit the order to cover to the insurance companyBrokerTenderManager
ViewCovernotesView list and details of covernotes including order to cover, preliminary and final covernotesBroker, UnderwriterTenderManager
EditCovernotesThe user is able to edit the covernotesUnderwriter
SubmitReservationProvide requested reservations by uploading file or text entryBrokerTenderManager
ViewSalesCampaignsThe user has access to view the sales campaigns (landing page).Broker
CreateEditSalesCampaignCreate and manage the sales campaignesBroker
ViewOwnTenderProposalsThe underwriter will get access to the proposals provided by him/her or generated by Finlex smart tender on behalf of the insurance companyUnderwriter

Policy Management

Access RightDescriptionUser TypeDefault Role
ViewContractAndPoliciesView the list of contracts and policies owned by the userBroker, underwriter
CreateContractCreate a new contract manually. the contract and policy creation will usually be triggered by tender covernote or renewal of existing contract, however, there is an option to create a contract manually be the user has this access right.Broker, Underwriter
EditContractAndPolicyEdit existing contract or policy in draft state
RenewContractRenew an existing contract

Product Management

Access RightDescriptionUser TypeDefault Role
ViewProductView the list of products created by the userProduct Manager
CreateAndEditProductCreate a new product and do the product configuration including but not limited to defining the tender risk assessment, creating sales channels, uploading wording documents, inviting underwriters, ... and also editing the existing product created by the same user.Product Manager
CloneProductClone an existing productProduct Manager

Access policy

Regardless of the access rights and roles, there are some basic access policies that will apply to protect your data inside the platform. This access policy will ensure that only data owners and authorized users have access to the data.

For example, the tender proposal created for insurance company A will not be accessible to insurance company B in the same tender process as they are considered competitors.