The response content type is application/json.

Status codes

Responses may have the status codes described in the following sections.

200 range

The request was successful. The status is 200 for successful GET and PUT requests, 201 for most POST requests, and 204 for DELETE requests.

400 range

The request was not successful. The content includes a JSON object with information about the error.


A 401 response means the server has determined the request is not authenticated. See Authentication.


A 403 response means the server has determined the user or the account doesn’t have the required permissions to use the API.


Request is not processed as, 429 error indicates that a usage limit has been exceeded. See Rate limits.

500 range

It means the API may be experiencing internal issues or having a scheduled maintenance during which you might receive a 503 Service Unavailable status code. We recommend treating any 500 status codes as a warning or temporary state. However, if the status persists and we don't have a publicly announced maintenance or service disruption, contact us using Platform Support.


All list endpoints returning the results in format of an array (list) are subject to have offset paginations properties.

  metadata: {
    count: "445",
    sort: {},
    skip: "0",
    limit: "50"
	payload: [...]

Default Pagination Size

by default Finlex API returns the top 50 records, in order to modify the return size, the limit property should be set to the desired value. However, it's not recommended to use high numbers as it increases the risk of hitting rate limit restrictions.