Rate Limits

Rate limiting is used to control the rate of requests sent or received by a specific user or app. Requests to the Finlex Public API may be subject to the following limits:

Endpoint Rate Limits

Some of the endpoints are restricted using specific rate limit to control the load and to make sure the service is available for all users. Finlex reserves the right to adjust the rate limit for given endpoints to provide a high quality of service for all partners.

Apps Rate Limit

Finlex API requests made by user apps are subject to an additional rate limit that is configurable by administrative access.

Account limit

Finlex Public API limit requests if it detects an unusual spike in requests from all sources for the account, including internal product requests. As an example, in a denial-of-service attack the service will automatically restricts the requests and throws error.

CPU-time Limit

Finlex tracks the CPU time an account consumes when fetching large volumes of data and returns a 429 error even though you're within the documented rate limits, this might be due to a CPU-time limit.